Chakra Series Part 2 - The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra
The 2nd Chakra is the SACRAL CHAKRA. The element is water and the colour is orange. When this Chakra is open & balanced you feel connected to your creative side with passion & purpose.

The area of focus are the hips, pelvis and sacrum.

Mantra: "I am creative and flow like the water."

1st pose: SURFER
Your SURFER can look however you want it to. Let your child show you what their SURFER
would look like, then get them to move back & forth like they're on a surf board - surfs up!
My SURFER looks like WARRIOR ll and Revolved Warrior - by the way, that’s my mom with us -
3 generations of yogis!

2nd pose: BUTTERFLY
Traditionally, BUTTERFLY pose is seated with your feet together and the knees moving apart
(hip opener) but in kids yoga, your child can do whatever they think a butterfly would look like!
They can spread their arms like wings & gracefully flap through the room, there is no wrong
pose. Encourage a positive flow of energy as they flap their wings.

3rd pose: FROG POSE
When your child does their own version of a frog, they will most likely be in a low squat (hip opener) which we call Malasana. This deep squat looks easy for your child, it's harder for adults! Do what you can. Deep squats are great for opening the hips & for digestion. When your child finds their FROG POSE encourage them to act like a frog, hopping or sticking their tongue out
to grab a fly! This chakra is all about letting their creativity flow.


Xo Hannah

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